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Photo Recognition

The AI instantly auto learns and analyzes the uploaded photos, then provides with keywords and suggestion as to what the photo is about. It assists you to search the uploaded photos in groups of same type, even if you forget the exact filename.

  1. From the top left menu bar, click ‘All Groups Search’ icon to open the search panel.
  2. Switch to ‘Photo’ tab to begin searching for photos.
Basic Usage
  1. At the top left of the Photo Search screen, the search entry box is provided for users to input their search text.
  2. The ‘Exact Match‘ checkbox is for matching the search result with the search text exactly or not.
  3. Below the checkbox are a list of common classifications. Click on each classification to immediately search and browse its images.
  4. The search result will be displayed on the right side of the panel if relevant photos can be found.
  5. By default, the photos are displayed in a grid layout. You can click on each photo (when the cursor switches to a magnifying glass icon) to pop up another panel.
  6. In the pop-up panel, you can view the enlarged photo and its file details.
  7. In addition, in ‘Related Search’ row, related searches of the photo are given and can be tapped to search related photos by such related search word.
  8. You can right-click on each photo thumbnail for a context menu of various actions.
  9. Click the ‘Filter’ icon to further filter the result with a second filter text.
  10. You can also click the ‘list layout’ icon at the top right to switch the display to a list layout. In a list layout, the file details of that photo are shown in several columns.
  11. In a list layout,
    1. To view the enlarged version of a photo, click the photo thumbnail (when the cursor switches to a magnifying glass icon)
    2. To open the context menu, click the icon labelled ‘More’ under the column ‘Action’.
    3. To enter the document chatroom of a photo, click the entire row or click the filename (underlined when cursor hovered over)
iOS & Android
  1. Swipe to the right to reveal the side menu, then select ‘Photo Search‘. OR
  2. Using the top navigation bar, select the ‘Search‘ icon to navigate to the search screen, and switch to ‘Photo‘ tab at the bottom bar for ‘Photo Search‘.
Basic Usage
  1. At the top of the Photo Search screen, the search entry box is provided for users to input their search text.
  2. The ‘Exact Match‘ checkbox is for matching the search result with the search text exactly or not.
  3. Common classifications are listed at the bottom. Tap on each classification to immediately search and browse its images.
  4. Similar to File and Message Search, tap on the arrow button on the top right corner to proceed to the search result.
  5. The photo grid will be displayed in the search result if relevant photos can be found.
  6. The search result can be further filtered with the second search text by tapping the filter icon on the top right
  7. Tap on the photo thumbnail to popup for viewing the larger version and the file details.
  8. In addition, related searches of the photo are given and can be tapped to search related photos by such related search word.
Text Recognition

The built-in AI on text recognition enables image text content of an image file to be recognized and auto-associated with the original file (with the option to convert to a searchable PDF file), and store for speedy search. (Practical usage: apply to store and identify business name cards, invoices, instant image text captured, etc.)

  1. Any uploaded image will be automatically processed through our Text Recognition AI.
  2. To access the Text Recognition screen,
    1. Inside a chatroom, hover over the image until a list of function icons pops up below the image thumbnail. Click the ‘T‘ icon labelled ‘Artificial Intelligence Text Recognition’.
    2. Under ‘Documents‘ tab of a group (right side of the screen), click on the name of the image file to launch the Artificial Intelligence Text Recognition screen (you will see an underline when hovered over the file name)
  3. On the next screen, the left side shows the image file ready to be processed while the right side (‘Scan Result’) will display the extracted text once available.
  4. You can ‘Copy‘ or ‘Send‘ the extracted text by clicking the action buttons provided.
  5. Click ‘Send’ to fill in the message input box with the extracted text.
  6. Click ‘Enrich PDF‘ to extract the image into a PDF and attach it as a file inside the chatroom.
  7. To search for the image, access ‘All Groups Search‘ ‘and switch to ‘Documents‘ tab.
  8. Note that all the extracted text of an image are considered ‘File Content‘. So, enter your desired search text (text from the image) into ‘File Content’ input box and proceed.