[Who can use: Business Owner and Admin, but Admin user cannot manage Business Owner]
- Logon by user of Business Owner or Admin.
- Click the
user administration icon at the top left, and list all users.
- Find the user you want.
Or, click the
input box icon at the screen top of the user list, and open up the search input box. Input the box then list the user(s) you want.
[Note: Partial input of the group name is accepted]
[Who can use: Business Owner and Admin, but Admin user cannot manage Business Owner]
- Logon by user of Business Owner or Admin.
- Tap the
setting menu icon at the top screen of (Recent, All Groups, or My Groups), or when pressing the left side of the screen then swipe the screen to the right, to get [System Setting] screen.
- On the setting menu, tap [User Administration] to get [User Administration] menu.
Storage Allocated
17.5G/50G : 17.5G storage allocated, out of 50G total ordered.
Internal User
18/50 : 18 users (Business Owner, Admin and Member) setup, out of total 50 ordered
External Users
7/50 : 7 External users setup, out of 50 total users ordered.
- Find the user you want from list shown on the [User Administration] screen.
Or, tap the
filter icon at the screen top of the user list to get the search input box. Enter the input box then tap [Return] to list the user(s) you want.
[Note: Partial input of the group name is accepted]
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