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How to accept/reject invitation, and add/remove conference participants?

Conference Workdomains

  1. Open the target Conference Group, then click ‘Conference Information’ icon (at the top bar of document tree, and next to the conference group name) to display a pop up window.
  2. To add/ remove Workdomains in the conference
    1. Click the ‘+’ icon next to ‘Conference Participating Workdomains’ to pop up another screen.
    2. Select the desired workdomain by clicking the ‘+‘ icon to sned an invitation to the invitee. The invitation can be cancelled if needed.[Note: The host must establish direct contact with other workdomain representatives before inviting them to the conference]
    3. Click anywhere outside the pop up screen to go back to the previous window.
  3. To add / remove members of Workdomain
    1. On the Conference Information screen, click the ‘information‘ icon  (to the right of your workdomain name) to advance to a group management screen.
    2. Add / remove your workdomain members by toggling the switch next to each user.

Conference Participants

  1. Invitee will receive conference invitation to be shown at the top of the [All Groups] list, with a separate heading named as ‘Invitations’.
  2. Click the selected Conference invitation item listed under the Invitations. Then you will see the Conference info: Name, Host, Company Name, Invitation Date.
  3. Then, ‘ACCEPT‘ or ‘REJECT‘ the conference.
  4. After ‘ACCEPT’, the invitee becomes the representative of the belonging workdomain in that conference
  5. The workdomain representative can further add their domain users to join the conference as participants.
  6. To add / remove members of Workdomain
    1. On the Conference Information screen, click the ‘information‘ icon  (to the right of your workdomain name) to advance to a group management screen.
    2. Add / remove your workdomain members by toggling the switch next to each user.

Conference Host

  1. The host can invite, from his/her contact list, two users of other workdomains as their domain representatives to join the conference. 
    [Note: The host must establish direct contact with other workdomain representatives before inviting them to the conference]
  2. To do this, select the ‘plus’ icon next to ‘Conference Participating Workdomains’ to pop up another screen.
  3. Select the desired workdomain and an invitation will be sent to the invitee. The invitation can be cancelled if needed.
  4. The host can add members from his/her own workdomain via the same interface as normal chat group.
  5. To do this, select the function icon to the right of your workdomain under the heading ‘Conference Participating Workdomains’ to advance to a group management screen.
  6. You can add/remove members of your workdomain to the conference by toggling the switch next to each user.

Conference Participants

  1. Users who receive the conference invitations will find them at the top of the “All Groups” list.
  2. Invitees can accept/reject the conference invitations.
  3. After accepting the invitation, the invitee will become the representative of his/her workdomain in that conference.
  4. The workdomain representative can further add their domain users to join the conference as participants.
  5. To do this, select the function icon to the right of your workdomain under the heading ‘Conference Participating Workdomains’ to advance to a group management screen.
  6. You can add/remove members of your workdomain to the conference by toggling the switch next to each user

Note: Participants in a Conference Group of a workdomain can only see those conference messages sent during the time period that these participants are in that conference group